
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chirac's bow to Ahmadinnerjacket 

It's hard to imagine what realistic options there can be to deal with Ahmmadabudjihad, short of assassination or bombing Iran. You know what Iran will do with nukes once they get their hands on them - it's inevitable that the terror-inspired fear factor would be exponentially greater than now.

And we know that the Iranian leader is an Islamist True Believer.

They say he sees the messiah in the mirror.

He says his very success along the path to nukedom, as infidels and enemies 'bow down before him', is proof of the good of his self-adopted mission from Allah.

So a few dashes of different proofs in that pudding are probably not a bad thing at all.

Yet Chirac is now being reported as saying that the UN Security Council shouldn't even be sanctioning Iran.

It doesn't seem particularly wise, on the surface, not that I have ever been inclined to be a Chiracian appreciator.

The explanation, according to Britain's "Independent" newspaper, is:

The concession to Iran seems to be linked to events in Lebanon, where there had been concern that French soldiers may be targeted by Iran's proxy militia, Hizbollah

Now, Chirac can't be criticised for protecting his countrymen, but I do have problems with accepting that simply rolling over and spreading your legs, in the face of apparent threats, is the best way to achieve that in the long term.


Regarding the Reuters' report cited below, other than in the way described all elements conform to the slant expected, the thrust of the item appearing to be to make fun of a US Senator who dares make fun of the Iranian president's name.

Making fun of a non-American President's name is, of course, unacceptable in Reutergrad and in an entirely different category to relentlessly ridiculing an American President's Republicanness, name, religious beliefs, speech, tax policies, supporters, physical ailments (real or imagined), facial expressions, associates, education, intelligence, foreign policy, general knowledge, accent, domestic policies, children, father, barbecue habits, working hours, capacity, worldliness, national guard service or pronounciation, which is all acceptable. Don't even pretend otherwise.

Imagine how difficult open-mouthed and bumbling Dubya-isation would be if the very handle "Dubya" didn't exist to hang it all on. Or the nightmare if Ahmadinejad was allowed to Ahmagog- and armageddon-ised.