
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dreaming about telling bad jokes 

The significance of dreams has been much on the writer's mind in recent days. for several reasons:

a) One early morning a concerned Mrs S prompted a spousal scurry to the Internet in search of dream interpretations, of which there are plenty and varied. In course of which activity the searcher was fascinated to discover that one Sigmund Freud postulated that the four most common dreams are/were (in 1900):

- falling,
- teeth falling out,
- nakedness in public,
- and I can't remember the fourth;

b) I cut my nails after awakening from a bad dream the other morning to discover a real-life itchy spot aggravated.

But the clinching prompter of this post was last night's dream, which we'll call

c), in which the writer dreamt he was telling a particularly poor joke he had thought up laying in bed the previous night, to wit: (n.b. joke was concocted after reading newspaper articles regarding arrests of suspected would-be Salafist mass murderers):

Guy behind bar (in dream): One of the guys arrested was a converted Christian, an Anglo-Australian.
Moi: Yeah, I heard. Those guys are often even more fanatical than the others. I heard they call them "Ken Oliver"s.
Guy: Why's that?
Moi: Well, the pronounciation's not quite Aussie, more like "Ken Olover". These Ken Olivers become leaders, or "sheikhs" and give fiery speeches, in which case they're (cue drumroll, Elvis jingle):


I would get my coat and cane, but I kid thee not: I dreamed I was telling that joke.

Could have been worse. Like something to do with Sheikh Dat, Sheikh Doun, Ima(n) Drughz etc., all of which crossed the diseased mind before dropping off to jackalalaland.

But whatever one makes of present company's dreaming, hain't nuthin' next to the hallucinations evidently experienced by one Sheikh Omran of Melbourne, as quoted in The Australian this morning.

My group, he said in a prepared statement (apparently delivered to the press),

"considers the security of our nation with high priority".

This quickly followed up with an expression of "alarm and uneasiness" over the arrests of 13 of his Islamic congregants in connection with confiscation of bundles of the same chemicals used in the July 7 London mass murders.

Now Sheikh Omran's track record includes:-

- proclaiming Osama a good man;
- accusing the US of 9/11;
- supervising a guy named by the French secret service as "the (sic) recruiter in Australia ... for jihad";
- Ooozing inflammation and hate at popular "prayer" sessions every Friday night.

Wake up, Sheikh. You're dreaming, son. We do not want you even thinking about, let alone considering "with high priority" Australia's security. Not your business, friend. Nor does it require a Freud to elucidate a range of possible interpretations of your statement.

The thing about doing a Clinton is that you have to, as old man Capone said, do it good.