Thursday, August 11, 2005
Education in the Arab world
Per Mark Steyn:
Abd Al-Sabour Shahin ... head of the Sharia faculty at Al-Azhar university, the Harvard of Sunni Islam ... (o)n Monday on Saudi Channel One ... told viewers:‘Our enemies weave many lies about us ... we awoke to the crime of 9/11, which hit ... the Empire State Building (sic). There is no doubt that not a single Arab or Muslim had anything to do with these events. The incident was fabricated as a pretext to attack Islam and Muslims. ... I believe a dirty Zionist hand carried out this act.
...(T)he Sunday Age in Melbourne (reporting on 31 July on Werribee Islamic College):'The imam told the students that the Jews were putting poison in the bananas and they should not eat them.'
I wonder if and to what extent oil money from Saudi Arabia facilitates these kinds of views.