Monday, March 21, 2005
"The more mud you throw, the more that will stick"
Goebbels was guided by the above quote (and by Hitler), and it's with this kind of reasoning in mind that mindless leftist minions have been encouraged to compare Bush with Hitler.
Not that many of them would be aware of what they are doing. The incomprehensibility of the comparison to anyone with even a smidgeon of historical knowledge seems beside the point, and there are apparently more than 1,350,000 references to the slur on Google.
"Where does one even begin .. " to deconstruct such tripe - so began a blog on the subject by Arthur Chrenkoff recently, and the exasperation in that phrase is something many of us can relate to.
So let's all make a concerted effort to meet such lunacy head on, and as often as possible.
Hence I do not hesitate to link, in advance of even reading the danged thang, this article on the subject by Victor Davis Hanson, highlighted in Real Clear Politics last Sunday.