
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Terror target Australia  

"Of all our (US) allies in the world, which is the only one to have joined the United States in the foxhole in every war in the past 100 years? Not Britain, not Canada, certainly not France. The answer is Australia

"... (T)his month's car bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia, was ...set off at the Australian Embassy. ...Just weeks before the Australian election.

Of the incident says Diana Kerry, sister to John, head of Americans Overseas for Kerry -- ."[W]e are endangering the Australians now by this wanton disregard for international law and multilateral channels."

"...The only thing that distinguishes Kerry's Iraq proposals from Bush's is his promise to deploy his unique, near-mystical ability to bring in new allies to fight and pay for the war in Iraq

"Kerry abuses America's closest friends while courting those, like Germany and France, that have deliberately undermined America before, during and after the war."

Charles Krauthammer, "The Art Of Losing Friends", Washington Post