Monday, August 30, 2004
Republicans v SMEAR @ New York
The lead-up to the Republican National Convention attracted the predictable ad hominem attacks from Democrat mass media strongholds, who did their level best to otherwise ignore the event.
I couldn't find online the recent Phillip Coorey article from the Sydney Telegraph and couldn't be bothered searching for ridiculously hateful Ted Rall item I read the other day, but both featured the type of garbage we will see, and are seeing, from the lunatic left as the RNC unfolds, such as:
- the trained Hollywood parrots that were paraded at the DNC have anti-Bush opinions worthy of respect and emulation, and representative of intellectualism;
- Saddam Hussein was a good guy up to no no good at all (Richard Clarke was in Australia - on the Democrat/Labor campaign trail (?) - being softballed by the left-wing Lateline program on this subject);
- George Bush (Harvard,Yale, MBA, only re-elected governor in the history of Texas, successful baseball team owner, first son of a President since J.Q. Adams to achieve presidential success in his own right) is actually a moron who every idiot in the street should feel superior to;
- Republicans are uncool and Democrats are cool;
- John "F" Kerry is trustworthy, has rock solid views, is a war hero
- Hilary Clinton is a shining paragon of non-corruption and trustworthiness and is a New Yorker
- et cetera, ad nauseum.
It is shaping up as a definitive confrontation. Rest assured that egg will be stuck to smarmy guttersniping faces in the event of a Bush electoral victory.
Perhaps it is to gear up for this possibility, or perhaps it is the realisation that loaded coverage is turning people off the Democrats, that the ABC and Washington Post published this poll forecast online:
"Bush has erased most of John Kerry's gains on issues and attributes alike, retaking a sizable lead in trust to handle terrorism, moving ahead on Iraq and battling the Democratic presidential nominee to parity on the economy — the three top issues of the 2004 campaign.
"Bush also has reclaimed an advantage in being seen as more honest and trustworthy, bolstered his rating for strong leadership and moved to a 10-point lead as better qualified to serve as commander in chief, erasing Kerry's edge in the latter after his convention late last month."
Despite this poll, smear tactics go on seemingly unabated, the most outstanding recent example of course being the "coincidentally" timed CBS Israeli "spy" story, regarding which Ha'aretz had to say:
"The murky waters of this affair will provide ample fishing grounds for political rivals and conspiracy buffs. First they'll land Franklin's boss, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith, and then they'll hook the entire group of neoconservatives of which he is one of the leaders. That is the group of Israel's friends, including many Jews, that pushed President Bush to go to war in Iraq.
"The best form of defense being offense, spokespeople for the Israeli government insinuated that anti-Israel elements are behind the affair. Republican representatives point to "Democratic agents" among senior FBI officials who want to spoil things for Bush on the eve of his party's convention."